Lindsay on Not Skinny but not fat podcast

was pregnant at the reunion * Paige is the only one texting her and checking in since she had the baby ETA: her exact words were 'Paige out of anyone is texting the most' did not imply others weren't texting at all, just the way she phrased it seemed to throw shade *never spoken to Dorinda about being pregnant when she outed her *dorinda outed her at Margaret Joseph's party *her boyfriend knew it was a girl two weeks before she knew, he surprised her at a hotel *got induced at 40 weeks *had a relatively smooth birth with an epidural and 15 minutes of pushing *she's breastfeeding, pumping and supplementing *has a night nurse *unsure if baby Gemma is going to go on Summer House *boyfriend doesn't want to show Gemma's face on IG *doesn't know if she's going on summer house this year *says paige and Craig's break up was the best for both of them but feels for them for being in the public eye *has not talked to Craig *she said she'd be happy to start a new type of summer house show re: the valley