What do women think of other women that have an onlyfans?

Women are not objects but i feel like these people we see on the internet (instagram mostly) want to be seen as one for ???(Insert reason) or not! Not trying to offend

Do people that identify as Feminist see it as empowering / entrepreneur or is a step back / degrading

Could this in the future this be more acceptable by social norms and becomes an actual career option for the youth ( Bladerunner/ Cyberpunk dystopian future ) or that one Black Mirror episode

Idk I don’t really hear women talk about this. more of just men on the internet being angry at these women or the ones paying for that being silent or creepy.


Edit: Upvote or downvote don’t care about meaningless numbers just want to ask an offensive question so i can understand better

Edit 2: im a man, not a women so i cant speak for them or have a say of what someone else should do with their own bodies but still a question I was wondering about