My Ex-Girlfriend Disappeared Three Years Ago. Last Night I Saw Her at a Bar.

You ever have one of those moments when you think you see something, then you realize you do? Like, you see someone you might've gone to middle school with? Or maybe you see one of your old teachers? Maybe an ex? That's how it started.

Last night, my of-age friend Sienna (21F) took me (17M) out to a bar. I was feeling bad again about Shirley (17F), my ex-girlfriend who'd vanished three years ago. We thought maybe it'd had something to do with a local killer. We called him the Neil Woods Stalker. He'd been prowling the woods for a couple years, going after young girls. And we all thought maybe Shirley was one of a couple unfound victims.

So I was sitting at the bar, feeling sad, and I pointed to this girl with purple hair and hoop earrings. And I said to Sienna, "doesn't she kind of look like Shirley?" Sienna, of course, told me, "come on, stop with the Shirley talk." But then she took a look at the girl, and didn't stop looking long enough I felt like I should've looked again too. When I did, Sienna said in my ear, "holy shit."

Then the girl's eyes met mine, and I knew. I knew in the way you just know someone's eyes when you see them enough. I also knew because her face went white and she dropped a handful of bills on the counter. I followed her outside. She made it not half-way down the street before I grabbed her arm. I said "Shirley." She turned around, mouth agape. And then, then the tears just came out of me. I was cool and collected one second. The next, my face felt hot and watery. I said "you have no idea what it means to me you're alive." Shirley's lip quivered. I remember that detail. She said "oh my God, Rainer." Then she stumbled over her words a bit. Then, she just clamped both hands on my shoulders and said "You can't tell no one, promise?" And I said "wait, hold on. We've got to talk." She nodded, like she knew I'd say that. She dug into her purse and pulled out a notepad. Then she scribbled a number, tore off the paper and handed it to me. She said "call this number when no one's around, and we'll meet. If I answer, can you not talk?" I told her yes, if it meant I could talk to her again. She asked me about Sienna, and I said I'd tell her it wasn't you. Then she hugged me and whispered "I'm sorry, Rainer. I'm real sorry. I'll tell you it all, okay?" And then I let her go, let her walk around the corner and out of my sight.

Sienna didn't believe my story, but I convinced her to let me talk to Shirley before we told anyone. I'm seeing her tomorrow. God, what do I do?

Part 2 coming.