Changes in My Body 4 Years After Quitting Smoking
I want to share the changes I’ve noticed in my body after 4 years of being smoke-free to motivate anyone who’s thinking about quitting.
First, let me say that I smoked for 10 years, and I smoked 60 cigarettes a day. I was so addicted that I’d wake up in the middle of the night with cravings, light a cigarette, and then go back to sleep. Falling asleep was also difficult , i would lie in bed for 40,50, 60 minutes before falling asleep. Now, 4 years later, I have no trouble falling asleep. I don’t wake up in the middle of the night, and when I wake up in the morning, I feel more refreshed and full of energy.
I don’t get the headaches I used to have, which isn’t surprising when you think about how much I smoked back then.
My sense of taste and smell came back just 4-5 days after I quit smoking, and I can breathe so much easier now. I no longer cough like I used to, and my lungs feel so much clearer.
I’m also not constantly irritable or tense anymore. I used to feel nervous all the time, but I didn’t realize that smoking was the cause until I quit and saw a complete change in my mood and energy.
Another big change is that I hardly ever get sick now. Before, I’d catch every flu or stomach virus that was going around. Now, I rarely fall ill.
If I keep writing, I’m afraid no one will read to the end, so I'll finish here. If you’re thinking about quitting, trust me, just do it. The first few weeks might be hard, but your life will completely change for the better. Those few difficult weeks are worth it for a healthier, happier life. Don’t wait for the "perfect" moment, make the decision, throw out all your cigarettes, and start your new life today.
Good luck!