What’s Everyone Doing Tonight??
Here we go sobernauts!!
I had a productive week. I, of course, did not accomplish everything I set out to do, but I feel like I have made a small amount of progress.
Well, actually, I accomplished more this week, then I had during years of alcohol use.
Tonight, i am going to take a break, and celebrate by going to bed at a ridiculously early time because I am truly exhausted.
I took some steps on leaving an ultra toxic work environment. I am not out of the tunnel, but I see the light.
Today I received a job offer that pays substantially more than the one I am at. But the day before, I had another interview with far greater potential.
Things really felt stagnant at best, and a lot of back pedaling. And just grinding day in and day out. And today, I realize that these amazing opportunities are the fruits of my labor.
Back when I was drinking, the biggest career accomplishment was (barely) holding down a job that I was absurdly over qualified for.
If you are new to sobriety, or, even on day one, I can say this… the bad news is that it may not actually get any easier. But I can guarantee you this, you will get stronger. One day at a time. And it will, absolutely be worth it.
Good night. And,