First time feeling slight liver pain after drinking

So about 2 years ago I cut down a lot on drinking. I went from drinking a 5th everyday to having binges twice a year. Each binge lasting about a week. I know this is still not healthy at all but from drinking 365 days to only drinking 14 days a year was a big change for me.

Anyways I just had a recent bender until a few days ago and as my usual routine it was time to stop for few months again but this time I’m actually experiencing slight pain on my liver area and my wife also told me that I have been breathing way to heavy when sleeping lately.

Now I am low-key scared that my drinking has finally caught up to me. I don’t want it to be too late and hope it’s not too late. I reached out to a doctor and them about my drinking problem. They want to get blood work done and an MRI. They also referred me to a psychiatrist. I’m hoping to get the studies done by a month latest but I start seeing a psychiatrist this Tuesday.

I am a big believer in god and pray to god that these are just signs for me to stop for good and if any damage is done to my liver and can still be reversed.

Wrote this at 3am because I woke up feeling like I was about to have a panic attack but my wife calmed me down and I felt like just sharing this here. Please share your experience and comments below I aways love reading them. Ima try to go back to bed now and wish all the best!