3 MONTHS - I can’t believe it’s reality

I started this journey October 14,2024, and honestly didn’t think I’d last a month or 4 days or anything. So many failed tries, but this is the longest I’ve gone probably since my early twenties (32F now), and no way I’m going back. First of all, I don’t wanna start over with all the first few day quitting symptoms, and second, this is just the right path for me, the right choice. It’s insane how much you start learning about yourself in just 92 days without booze. I’ve finished almost two journals since starting and I’m slowly growing emotionally. Reflecting on myself, my thoughts, and my feelings has helped my healing. Now I want to work on reconnecting with my body again. I don’t feel they are united right now. I said the first three months would be just focusing on the not drinking - not worry too much about the ice cream and snacks and burgers, just don’t drink. Now that I’m not thinking so much about drinking - I have now gone near a full day where I didnt obsess over what I’m drinking and when — it’s time to add in a new goal - love my body and give it the care I should have been all these years. Sometimes I miss drinking and sometimes I kick myself that I should have stopped sooner because I feel “behind,” but I’m working on not being so hard on myself because it won’t help and you don’t do that to someone you love. It feels good to be morphing into a new person and knowing that with this choice, you’re never hurting yourself. Anyway, I am super grateful for this group!! Thanks for being supportive :)