I F***ING DID IT!!!!

I (42M) have been drinking daily for about six years. It started with a six pack every few days and progressively got worse, a lot worse. I felt like absolute hell every morning but still managed I pretty normal life with a great job, family and house. I knew I needed to stop but I always made excuses to drink. It was the one excuse after another.

I'm now on day 9!!!! Yesterday I had an 11 hour international flight with all the free booze an alcoholic would want and I drank none of them! I did drink 6 coke zeros and enjoyed them very much.

Now I'm in a country for the next five months that has many memories of drinking for me, but I'm going to stay strong.


Edit: Thank you everyone for all the amazing support and comments!!!!!!! Day 9 flew by and on to day 10. Even went to dinner with several co-workers and had a really good mango smoothie instead of the usual.

Again IWNDWYT! and I fucking mean it.