What’s Everyone Doing Tonight?

Happy Friday Sobernauts!

Tonight, I am hanging out with the beast butt (dog) and mini beast (Guinea pig). I will be eating a whole pint of Ben and Jerry’s. I will let the beast have the empty container, and she will lick it clean and the mini beast will be getting a massive handful of Timothy hay.

I will be searching for something to listen to on YouTube, and then 10mns in, try and find something else, and probably do this about three or four times.

I’m going to harvest some mushrooms and make tea with them and then, I will go to sleep. I will be working this weekend and I am anticipating a hectic weekend.

So that’s that.

whats everyone else doing tonight??

Bonus; forgot I had a liter of San pel in my fridge, and a lemon. Life is good.