12 Week Primo Oral Cycle-Honest Review
I promised myself I would leave an honest review of my experience using Primo for competition prep. The reason is because I did not find much on Primo here for females so I figure this would be a great way to share my experience and hopefully shed some light on whether or not it would be the right PED for those that are considering it. I am a bikini competitor--but have been lifting seriously for about 7 years. I have ran a cycle of anavar for 8 weeks, had great results however I experienced a ton of bloating which I did not like so I wanted to try something else. I am just going to list some of the symptoms I experienced down below..
first of all--I had AMAZING results with Primo, better than Anavar IMO. (that's just my own experience, I know it may differ for others). I took 15mg daily--which I also read could be a high dose for female user, but I am very much aware of the side effects and I was willing to take the risk. For reference I am a 32 y/o F.
Strength--I would say the strength gains on Primo did take a while to feel the effect for me, but at about the 3 week mark I really noticed my strength increasing. recovery was great--little to no soreness except for the 3rd week I did feel like my back was constantly pumped up, but after the 3rd week it subsided.
Mood--overall great. libido was up, and I really didn't feel any anger/agression or mood swings--I did however feel that with anavar.
Bloating--none whatsoever. The Primo gave me a nice dry look, not as much vascularity even towards the end of the cycle which I did not mind--if anything I feel like I had more of a natural look as opposed to Anavar.
Shedding--I did have a lot of shedding on my last week of the cycle. Oddly enough I really did not experience any until the end. I am only 5 weeks post cycle and have noticed that the shedding has minimized so I am happy about that.
dry skin--my skin was CONSTANTLY dry-I used a lot of coconut oils, lotions and creams throughout the day. It wasn't super bothersome but just something I noticed. Otherwise I had no breakouts on my face, actually the skin on my face looked brighter. I did have some breakouts with anavar but nothing extreme ( I don't have acne prone skin either so that may be a factor, not sure)
clitoral enlargement--yes this occurred at around the 8 week mark--definitely noticeable but did not really bother me.
voice change-towards the end I did notice my voice cracking a bit but I asked friends and family and no one had noticed it so I guess it was just me who did. Now that it has been 5 weeks since the cycle, I feel like I still get a slight crack but it's rare. Definitely less than when I was at the end of my cycle.
Overall I had a great experience with Primo. Would I run it again? maybe... probably 8-9 weeks would be enough honestly. I don't plan on going on anything for a long time as I plan to check my labs soon and get everything right where it needs to be.