Does anyone feel guilty for being a SAHM?

Does anyone else feel guilty for staying home and not working? I had a decent job (but not a career) and just never returned from maternity leave. I feel like I'm taking the easy way out. My babe is 9 months old and I'm still waiting for this motherhood thing to get hard. He's a good, happy baby and I didn't have any PPD or anxiety. I do feel like he would be a completely different kid if I was working and stressed out all the time. I don't regret quitting my job and I like being a SAHM but I feel guilty that it's been so easy for me when I hear my working mom friends talk about how much they struggle.

My husband is totally supportive and can easily provide for the family so this issue isn't from a financial standpoint.

Does anyone else feel this way? Is it because I'm only 9 months in and haven't hit toddlerhood yet? Advice on how to not feel guilty? Why do i feel the need to make my life harder than it is?