If you're serious about this process, check your ego at the door
I'm working with a co-founder now and it is a pain in the butt on my ego. I constantly have to find ways to not let my ego be hurt. I don't know if I had a bigger ego than I thought I had before this startup, but I guess even for a normal person this is really hard on your emotions at time.
Not only is it hard work externally, but internally there is constantly a storm you need to try to keep in check.
One example: An investor, in a very subtle way, recently told us they would invest if my co-founder worked on something else they had worked on before. It was very clear they meant that they would invest in them, but not me.
Dude might have just as well punched me in the stomach. Tbh would have prob hurt less.
Anyone with similar experiences? How do you cope? I handled it as professionally as I could in the moment, but I also just talked to chatgpt about it for like half an hour trying to make sense of my feelings and how I productively can continue on.