This week I learnt the power of " Do things that don't scale"
For weeks we have been trying to convert demos to paid enterprise subscriptions for my SAAS but the conversion rates were extremely low, infact few conversions we had all went for the traditional plans which was not the impact I was expecting after such high effort acquistion strategies like giving live demos.
Last 2 weeks we decided to pivot our startegy and decided to send some video demos to our ICPs which are customised for their Industry and Bam! 3 conversions to enterprise plans(though heavily discounted but still kind of validates our acquisition strategy and moves us towards having better margins). In the future I would like to be even more focussed while building a demofor example rather than the demo being Industry focussed it will business,geography, distribution focussed .
So key takeaway for me has been, take advantage of being a startup hyperfocus on clients and their businesses when reaching out.