Words for you if you want them.

To the Forest that’s Burning,

You are aware of it.

As soon as you read the line “to the forest that’s burning”

You knew.

You are burning from the inside out..

The image I see is aerial.

It’s a round shaped forest. With one cactus in the middle on a patch of grass.

However, with that, I also don’t have a clear picture. The image is ever fluctuating.

It’s like in the movie Encanto. Fate hasn’t been decided.

Holographic almost. One glance, the forest is in flames.

Different angles show different phases of the fire.

One shows a recovering forest.

Then I see the forest burn from the inside out but almost in a wave pattern. A wave time lapse of fire going outward.

It’s a constant cycle.


Almost pulsating like a frequency.

Things have to die in order to create space for the new.

Visually it’s really neat to imagine.

The colors of the flames. Then black and white for the ash as it burns out then green with life.

I find when I go with the ebb and flow of life, it’s like breathing with nature.

Ebb and flows being the positives and negatives. Always trusting there is another breath. Another cycle. Another wave.

The fire looks different to everyone.

For me it was a loss of a spouse.

For some it could be a house or a mouse.

You name it. Loss is a form of burning.

Relationships are changed.



During the stages of grief everything under the sun happens.

Everyone is feeling this.

No matter who you are.

Every human in the past 20 years has experienced loss.

It’s undeniable.

It’s just up to me how I handle the cycle.

Awake my soul by Mumford and sons has a line.

“Where you put your love, you put your life”.

Or something similar.

I want my life with my family.

My kids have little fires of their own. Rather forests and gardens of their own.

I will do my best to teach them how to take care of the garden forest to breathe with the earth. By breathing with the earth myself.


Another Forest that now is at peace with the burning.