Make Independent Colonies Join Your Faction Voluntarily or not (Mod Idea)

Just a modded Idea that let's you initiate negotiations with independent worlds to anex em to the player faction.

This could be obtained by:

  1. Aiding the colony enough so the population and administration would agree to voluntarily join the player without a direct invasion force. Maybe doing special quests.

Bribing the local administration could be also a way of making em join or making em join faster.

  1. Threatening the Colony to join you by performing pirate acts to the colony, such as raids and merchant and local patrol going "missing" in a strange way.

Doing this in any of the mentioned ways will make or not other factions and the independent react to the player actions.

Let's say a lore accurate independent colony is affiliated to to the Persean League or the Hegemony.

Trying to convince or threatening the colony will antagonize any of this factions and they will act to prevent the player to do so. How? Well, by sending fleets to patrol/protect the colonies and lowering the overall relations with the player. And if the colony actually joins the player, they may or not declare war and send an invasion fleet to take back the colony, this time for their own faction.

This can be done to modded and non modded independent colonies and some independent colonies can be set up to never affiliate to the player without a direct invasion just because of the sheer amount of power other factions have.

Stuff to be taken in mind:

-An invasion threat to independent colonies administration can turn out on they contacting a friendly faction or even contracting mercenaries to do extra patrols on the system. They will even start to search on fleets with transponder off.

-The total amount of military power the player has may affect the outcome of negotiations or threatening for the independent.

-Yes, the independents should be pissed off if you start to harass and threat their colonies to join the player and by some point they may and will get hostile to the player.

End thoughts:

This is just in idea that has crossed my mind for some time now. There's a lot of independent colonies that sometimes are in the same systems that the player has but many times we don't want to get the independents hostile or simply we are not doing a super warcrime genocide run.

A mod like this may give a new way of making this colonies join the player and make it more interesting.

It also may get interesting if you manage to make modded colonies to join the player (Must be discussed with mod authors).

For example making Kassadar (Tahlan shipworks Mod) join the player could end up with the nearby planets setting off the "Kassadari Claim" that makes the planets non suitable for colonization.

New Meshan (Arma Armatura Mod) could end in the local administration giving you the blueprints for the LPC mechs the mod adds or maybe a special planetary condition to player worlds if New Meshan is under player control.

Depending on the lore of the independent colony, the player can say if is worth it or not to try to convince them.

This can be done with multiple vanilla and non vanilla independents and has a lot of possibilities for new quests that could end well or very bad for the player.

If you have any thoughts or ideas, leave em on the comments!

Just a modded Idea that let's you initiate negotiations with independent worlds to anex em to the player faction.

This could be obtained by:

  1. Aiding the colony enough so the population and administration would agree to voluntarily join the player without a direct invasion force. Maybe doing special quests.

Bribing the local administration could be also a way of making em join or making em join faster.

  1. Threatening the Colony to join you by performing pirate acts to the colony, such as raids and merchant and local patrol going "missing" in a strange way.

Doing this in any of the mentioned ways will make or not other factions and the independent react to the player actions.

Let's say a lore accurate independent colony is affiliated to to the Persean League or the Hegemony.

Trying to convince or threatening the colony will antagonize any of this factions and they will act to prevent the player to do so. How? Well, by sending fleets to patrol/protect the colonies and lowering the overall relations with the player. And if the colony actually joins the player, they may or not declare war and send an invasion fleet to take back the colony, this time for their own faction.

This can be done to modded and non modded independent colonies and some independent colonies can be set up to never affiliate to the player without a direct invasion just because of the sheer amount of power other factions have.

Stuff to be taken in mind:

-An invasion threat to independent colonies administration can turn out on they contacting a friendly faction or even contracting mercenaries to do extra patrols on the system. They will even start to search on fleets with transponder off.

-The total amount of military power the player has may affect the outcome of negotiations or threatening for the independent.

-Yes, the independents should be pissed off if you start to harass and threat their colonies to join the player and by some point they may and will get hostile to the player.

End thoughts:

This is just in idea that has crossed my mind for some time now. There's a lot of independent colonies that sometimes are in the same systems that the player has but many times we don't want to get the independents hostile or simply we are not doing a super warcrime genocide run.

A mod like this may give a new way of making this colonies join the player and make it more interesting.

It also may get interesting if you manage to make modded colonies to join the player (Must be discussed with mod authors).

For example making Kassadar (Tahlan shipworks Mod) join the player could end up with the nearby planets setting off the "Kassadari Claim" that makes the planets non suitable for colonization.

New Meshan (Arma Armatura Mod) could end in the local administration giving you the blueprints for the LPC mechs the mod adds or maybe a special planetary condition to player worlds if New Meshan is under player control.

Depending on the lore of the independent colony, the player can say if is worth it or not to try to convince them.

This can be done with multiple vanilla and non vanilla independents and has a lot of possibilities for new quests that could end well or very bad for the player.

If you have any thoughts or ideas, leave em on the comments!