Selecting C2 Inventory brings up my my Vulture Inventory? Unable to sell RMC at TDD?

I'm sure this is a known bug but I'm curious if anyone has found a workaround. Screenshots should show what I mean but the short of it is:

I can only access my ships inventory at the TDD by selecting the wrong ship. For instance, selecting my personal inventory brings up my C8 Invent. Selecting my C2 Herc brings up my Vulture inventory. Anywhere I have to select a ship except ASOP is having this issue, I.E. if I want to change out parts of my ship in my mobiglass, I also have to select the 'wrong' ship to get the 'right' ship to populate. Annoying, but not the biggest deal.

What is a bigger deal, and I'm assuming it's related, is being unable to sell RMC due to a 'Insufficient Stock'. What I'm assuming is happening is it's seeing the incorrect ship is selected at the terminal and can't 'take' the RMC since it's not actually in that ships inventory. I could transfer the RMC to another ship but then I'm running into the same issue. Is there anyway to put the RMC in my local invent and try to sell from there? Or is there a way I could sell it using the freight elevators in hangars? Or literally any other way around this? Otherwise I'm stuck with RMC in my Vulture and nothing to do with it.

The error I'm receiving when trying to sell RMC 'from' my C2 but it's actually in my Vulture

What I get when I try to select my Vulture from the menu

What I get when I select my C2 from the menu.