my beliefs

i read lots of books teaching me words of wisdom it’s been nice but it has me thinking a lot and i jus wanna rant i feel like when we’re kids that’s who we are: bright loving and so innocent as ugly and hard experiences get thrown at us we change and we can either become uglier or be better.. it seems like we’re supposed to get better, it’s what brings our soul warmth and joy. we came here to learn because that’s basically what we do it’s literally how we created everything we have. i believe we came here knowing what we were gunna go through maybe not exactly but we have a goal that can go billions of different way but the lesson has to be learned. we came knowing that it’s for our highest self. i think we do reincarnated over and over until we get it right, i sometimes think maybe this is hell maybe this is ‘punishment’ for my past life. we’re given a clear slate and free will to be who ever we want to be n i think what we choose will effect our next life. that’s kinda a big reason i don’t 😵 myself, i can’t!! i came here for a reason and it would be a huge waste to not take this experience seriously. i don’t hate my life btw i just believe this world is supposed to bring us down, to show us how strong and loving we can be through thick n thin