Urgent!! Illness following spinal fusion surgery

I am only six weeks post-spinal fusion surgery. My doctor advised that I should not get sick during my recovery period as it might pose serious risks to my surgical site, the fusion process and the implants.

In the past 48 hours, someone in my family caught a virus and was coughing and sneezing everywhere. To which I developed severe symptoms, including a sore throat, persistent phlegm, intense coughing, fever, nasal congestion, runny nose, flu-like symptoms, and a constant headache. Yesterday, I also experienced fever and chills. These symptoms are not only debilitating but also causing significant strain on my fused back and my body, particularly during episodes of coughing and sneezing.

I am now panicking and am really concerned about whether this illness could jeopardize my recovery or pose a serious risk to my overall health. Given the recent nature of my surgery, I am unsure of how to manage these symptoms without exacerbating my condition.

I have reached out to my doctor but he hasnt replied to me yet. I’m seriously so worried and this sickness is making me really pissed and annoyed with everything. Also, to make matters worse, my family members arent very considerate to my situation and are waking me up by their loud noises and activities in the day. I need to rest because my head is hurting and I have not slept well. And before you guys tell me to talk to them, i have. And they said I was entitled and over-reacting. So now I’m feeling very much defeated and that I have to accept the state of affairs that I am in. However, I still want to know if theres anything that I should be worried about and if theres anything I could do to alleviate my symptoms?