Still needing 2 feeds a night at 8 months?
We sleep trained at 4 months and for the first week only needed one feed then baby started rolling and most often it was two. We generally followed 5/3/3 and I was okay with it. Before the holidays we were finally starting to see some longer stretches (7-9 hours) and only one feed in the night. Sleep went down the drain after holiday travel but once we got home he seemed to go back to those longer stretches. For a week. Now we're back to waking twice a night and I have a hard time believing that he's hungry. We're doing two meals a day and in the last few weeks he's started eating more at meals. Baby is EBF but I have also been pumping and offering 2-3 oz of milk in a straw cup with dinner in addition to regular feeds.
His second stretch of sleep is almost always 3 hours on the dot. Last night his first stretch was 6.5 hours. I would just love him to sleep for one more hour. He will go back to sleep after the feed which sometimes is at 5:30/6 and then I find I have to wake him up.
Our schedule is 3/3.25-3.5/3.5. DWT is 7 am, bedtime is 8 pm, usually 2.5-3 hours of day sleep.
Is it time to try some more intentional night weaning strategies?
Edited to add: the last few days he's had a poop in his diaper at his second wake up. So I'm not sure if that's causing it or when that happens. I don't usually change him at the first wake up.