How to not nurse to sleep
My 15-week-old is an absolute nursing fiend. She loves comfort nursing and I don't usually mind it, but lately she's taking longer and longer to fall asleep, meaning she'll comfort nurse for half an hour to forty-five minutes. Often she'll fall asleep, then quickly wake up and cry if she can't find the boob. I'm tired. My nips are tired. But she cries every time I hold her when she's tired and wants to sleep until I give in and let her nurse. She also won't take a paci. I love breastfeeding, but the comfort nursing is starting to drive me nuts since bedtime is turning into a lengthy routine. It also means no one else can really put her to bed. I know she's too young for sleep training, but is there anything I can do to help curb the habit?
*update: Thanks for all the advice! We have a lot to work with. This evening we tried moving her daily bottle from the morning to right before bed and fed her earlier in the bedtime routine. She did pretty well without the nursing and has been asleep for three hours now.