About Michelle in Series 2

What do you think about Michelle dumping Tony when he was brain damaged and had an erectile dysfunction? On one hand, it is understandable when she says that she can no longer "wait for him", but does that make her also a terrible person?

I was rewatching the bedroom scene at Tony's house and Michelle is really selfish and insensitive when she asks Tony why "he can't get better for her" and "what he was doing in the middle of the road". I mean, Tony didn't ask to be run over by a bus and he was in the middle of the road telling Michelle that he loved her.

I also understand that Michelle was in shock after the accident and couldn't bear to see Tony while he was comatose, but isn't it odd that she never went ro the hospital and didn't go see him after he woke up?

Did Michelle ever really love Tony for who he was, or was she his girlfriend just because he was the school's alpha boy?

Although it is probably medically implausible, the writers chose to have Tony make a full recovery (in the sense that he appears to be normal again by the end of Series 2 , even able to drive a car and get AAAB in his A-Levels), but, if he didn't, I wonder if Michelle would keep away from him.