Friend with cancer is going down a conspiracy rabbit hole

Hey all. I don’t know if this is really the right subreddit for it but I’m looking for any advice or resources that any of you might be aware of.

One of my friends was recently (few months ago) diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. Thankfully, they caught it before it spread to any organs and she underwent a mastectomy to have a tumour and lymph nodes removed from her chest and armpit area. She’s on a course of chemotherapy about twice a month now (I think), but she’s been expressing a lot of skepticism towards doctors and chemotherapy specifically. She says that it can cause new forms of cancer (which I believe is true in very rare cases), and has said often that doctors have a financially incentive to keep you sick because they make more money off you paying for continuing treatment.

I’m trying to deal with the claims as they come (most recent one was a random Nigerian con artist on a Facebook breast cancer support page trying to say that cancer was the body’s natural remedy against toxins) but they’re thick and fast and make specific claims about biology and chemotherapy that I can’t refute because I’m not a doctor.

So far she’s continuing with the chemo, but she’s expressed often that she thinks she should stop, she’s spouting the conspiracies often; she has two young kids and I really can’t let her stop her treatment if it’s what her doctors are advising.

Does anyone know any online resources that can help deal with some of these claims? I know MacMillan and Cancer Research have pages on specific cancers but they don’t exactly address her points. Does anyone have any pointers or websites or cancer specialists that debunk this stuff?

Thanks very much in advance 🙏