Joined a band recently. First time singing in front of an audience. Just started singing and I really want to take it serious and improve. Suggestions, criticism? Anything is helpful.
So I recently joined a band. Kinda random at my age but it’s a fun outlet and a new hobby. Our 6th or 7th practice session turned into a bit of a party that I wasn’t expecting. I thought we were just having a few friends over to spectate and it ended up being around 50 people and a lot of alcohol. I was nervous and we had some technical issues with my amp(blown speaker or bad wire?) so my vocals weren’t broadcasting at full volume or clarity. So to combat that I had to cup the mic a little to project my voice a bit more. Also the guitarist just recently had undergone a kidney transplant and his hands were cramping from the meds he has to take post surgery. Still went pretty good.
Now everyone had a great time and loved the performances and we received a lot of compliments, high fives and pats on the back but I’m looking for more useful feedback and critiques and sharing of techniques or warmups or anything to build off of or expand my range.
My trouble areas are high notes… but not all high notes, I think it’s more like high energy yelling high notes(I don’t know if that has a technical term). I have other videos where I can show you those particular weaknesses for instance when singing the chorus of Man in the Box by Alice and Chains. But we can get to that later in another post.