Another hint that SH2R is just another loop run for James

If you continue down to the deadens after getting the jukebox button in the apartment, you will find another dead body of what looks to be a model of James.

There you will pick up an “old map” which has marking similar to the ones you create on your own maps, which crosses of where he’s been, interest points, dead ends, etc. Looks like this James was also in progress of the jukebox puzzle till he met his demise.

If you continue down to the deadens after getting the jukebox button in the apartment, you will find another dead body of what looks to be a model of James.

There you will pick up an “old map” which has marking similar to the ones you create on your own maps, which crosses of where he’s been, interest points, dead ends, etc. Looks like this James was also in progress of the jukebox puzzle till he met his demise.