My Dulcolax advice to first-timers
If you are reading this, you may have been like me; just taken your first dose, felt a little "something", and are now wondering what you've signed up for!
I read a few reviews via Google, Dulcolax website, but found it more whiny than helpful. So here is the benefit of my experience (advice first, anecdotes after)
Accept that it is going to suck. You're not going to have a magical unicorn of a poo and everything will be roses. Dulcolax is a stimulant, so it's going to cause your bowels to involuntarily contract. This is not pleasant. The warning on the box, "may cause faintness" is not referring to some light-headedness; it's referring to the fact that the cramping may cause you to feel like fainting. Be honest with yourself about your pain/fear tolerance- something Senakot or some more fibrous methods may be a better fit for you. (I have had success with canned red kidney beans.) That being said, if it's too late for you and you've already taken it, try to relax: this is temporary and you will not die.
Don't stray too far from the toilet. This is not going to be a one-time performance; there are going to be curtain calls and repeat showtimes. Hopefully you have more than one toilet in your home.
The box says it will start working in 6-12 hours, but depending on your body, the show may start in 2-4 hours. I would overall recommend not making any plans for 12-14 hours after dosage.
Have a toolkit ready: these were the most helpful for me:
[1] A thick towel: in case you feel faint, or feel like vomiting, a nice thick towel on the floor you can kneel on is good. Also, if the cramping gets bad, you can find a pose that feels good to you; for me it was kneeling on all fours with my butt up in the air.
[2] An afghan (the blanket, not the nationality): I had the shakes, as well as ending up sleeping on the bathroom floor (on the above-mentioned towel!)
[3] An interactive toy: You will want something to take your mind off what's going on inside your body. It may be too difficult to concentrate on a book, so I would recommend something you have to interact with, such as a smartphone or portable gaming system.
[4] A bottle of water or sports drink: you are going to lose a lot of water, and this can be dangerous. Dulcolax is going to make your stomach upset, so I wouldn't recommend chugging; just sip it as you are able.
- Finally, Don't eat within an hour of taking Dulcolax- I did this, and having my bowels evacuated while having undigested food sitting in there made me feel pretty awful.
Hopefully these tips will be useful to you, or to helping you decide if Dulcolax is the right choice for you. My experience is as follows:
I typically poo once a week, which is unhealthy, but does not bother me much. I recently had an injury, and the painkillers added to my already chronic constipation forced me to take stool softeners for the first time in my life.
I chose Dulcolax because I work in a hospital setting and it is commonly prescribed there. Restoralax is considered "the best", however because of that I wanted to "save it" as a last resort, should nothing else work. I picked up some "Dulcolax for Women" (why for women??) and didn't read the side effects because working in this field, I know that even if 1 out of 100 research patients suffer an "adverse event", it has to be reported on the list of side effects. It said "gentle relief" and that was good enough for me.
I'm off work due to injury, so I knew if I was shitting through the eye of a needle the next day, no big deal. I chose to take it before bed, so I could look forward to an epic morning. Four hours post-dose, the show began. I experienced severe stomach cramps, cold sweats/shaking, whilst simultaneously feeling like I was going to vomit, and then feeling like I was going to faint. I actually fell off the toilet onto all fours on the bathroom floor, trying to put my head down so I wouldn't pass out. This was the only time I was frightened, and I grabbed the box to see what the side effects were. "MAY CAUSE FAINTNESS", "DO NOT GIVE TO THE ELDERLY" had me wondering what I had signed up for, but it was too late now so I hung on for the ride, which lasted from 2:00-4:30 a.m. The actual fainting/nausea/scary part only lasted 20 minutes, the rest of the night was simply spent alternating between pooping pure liquids and sleeping on the floor, like a typical bout of diarrhea.
I felt like the party was over and I could return to bed at 4:30 a.m. About 13.5 hours post-dose I had another liquid BM, and that has been it. Still feeling crampy and violated, but I think the shits have ceased, and I've managed to eat a little. I don't think I will ever do it again, but it got the job done.
TL;DR: you are going to feel like you might actually die for about 20 minutes, but otherwise o.k. Don't make any plans for 12-14 hours