The bridge is approaching

I really don't know what to do this is my first real dog I've ever had. She is absolutely one of our family. She is going to be 14 years oldin January. Snickers is a cancer survivor, having her toe amputated six years ago. Right now she has a firm, solid mass growing in her underarm and it is difficult to pin down the timing of her crossing. I don't have the job be able to provide further testing to take matters further. I am working a job that pays 1/4 of what I used to take home, and looking for gainful employment yet again. Perhaps it's too much competition or ageisyas I will be 54 in early 2025. Paid for initial testing for a sample, that was inconclusive. Would have to conduct an extraction for further testing to see if we're facing something that is benign or malignant, but the test is no guarantee of results.Snickers eats twice a day or every other day. If there are table scraps or if there's something scrumptious and her bowl she's all over it. She has kidney disease to add to her issues, and we provide the prescribed diet, which is not too much of an ask to extend her time with us. She can go for short walks ...three houses down and back...when she would use to walk over a mile.We have to carry her up and down the stairs and to place her in bed. It takes forever for her to get comfortable at night.Snickers sometimes finds a boost of energy to start a Zoomie in her back yard, but the pain is too much. She is having accidents in the house, which we can understand..she has had two in the past month. Our 14 year old pup takes gabapentin and Dermaxx. We don't want to visit rainbow Bridge anytime soon.We don't want her to cross before her time but don't want her to suffer too much either. Clearly she is in pain. Looking for some good advice.