How the hell can I glow up?

Hi there!

So im a 20 year old dude, and I'm really boring looking imo.

I need some more cpnfidence in my self so im looking for something i can do to "glow up"

I've practically had the same haircut for 3-4 years (fade on the side and then the top to the right)

I am definitely not a skinny person, weighing in at 110 kh ish. I am 189cm tall. Luckily my fat isn't just on one place but practically all over my body.

I know I should workout but can't find the motivation for it.

I wear hoodies, suit pants and a nice T-shirt.

I honestly don't know much about hygiene other than the basic stuff like brush your teeth and take a shower daily.

So any and all help will make me grateful.

Im just looking to improve my look and my confidence