subway manager just said my scars were “unprofessional”

(Edit) yoooo guys 😭 I did NOT expect this to get this much recognition lmfao. THANK YOU ALL!!!! All the nice things and advice you guys gave really enlightened my perspective . Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be going to HR as many of you suggested. Even though what she did was cunty asf, I couldn’t be bothered to do all that 😭. If she pulls a move like this again then that’s another story. I’ve also bandaged the scars that are slightly scabbing due to sanitary issues and health safety (probably should’ve done this from the start lmfao). Well yeah! That’s pretty much it! Love u all and I’ll keep you posted if Suzan strikes

Hi, I’m 16 and I’ve been working at subway for a couple months now. I got this job during the fall so I wore the long sleeve uniform. The weather is getting warming and the ac in the plaza I work is completely busted so I ended up giving in and wearing the tshirt uniform because the heat was killing me.

After my second day of wearing the new uniform my manager pulls me aside after my lunch break and tells me something along the lines of, “at least try to make the effort to hide your cuts, your making us look unprofessional.”

BROTHERRRR, ITS SUBWAY?!?!?! fuck you mean unprofessional 😭. The shy girl that I am wore the long sleeve uniform the next day 😕.

And I know some of you will say “quit girl! That women is insensitive and rude!”. That’s probobly true, but it was unbelievably hard to find someone who would hire a 16 year old where I live, so I’d rather just thug it through.

In conclusion, fuck you Suzan. Your a cunt

(Edit may 31st)

I got fired. LOL. Sort of my fault but I could care less at this point. She mentioned my scars again a couple days ago and I responded with how I think she’s being insensitive. She said something about how teenagers are sensitive and blah blah analogs balshhdiahsbdjjs a. I forget half the things she said cause I was just enraged by the balls that this lady has. I clapped back n then I quit my shift. She emailed me telling me I’m fired and I need to bring my uniforms back asap.

sooooooo lol that’s what happened. Not mad not sad, just shocked that Suzan till the very end was in fact a cunt