Does anybody get sleep disturbances?

This is the second post I’ve made in this subreddit today lol..

Anyways, does anyone here get sleep disturbances consistently? More specifically sleep paralysis?

I have been trying to find the source of it for months and have gone to sleep doctors and my general doctor and they all don’t know what to do.

I get sleep paralysis on a basically nightly basis and it literally prevents me from going to sleep if it’s bad enough.

I have tried every single possible method to avoid sleep paralysis and nothing has worked: not sleeping on my back, sleeping for a sufficient amount of time, and so on

I have a feeling it may be related to schizoaffective because I’ve heard that psychotic issues can sometimes cause sleep disturbances.

Does anyone else get sleep disturbances like sleep paralysis on a regular basis? If not, then I know it may not be related to this disorder, but I figure it’s worth asking to possibly find an explanation.

Thank you!! (And sorry for the long block of text lol)