Still no mail?

I’ll preface by saying I absolutely understand the backlog of mail that came due to the strike being around Christmas and I personally agreed with a lot of the strike and why they were striking

That being said…mail hasn’t been delivered to my apartment at all since the end of the strike. I don’t just mean my personal mail, I mean Canada post has not come to my apartment building at all since the end of the strike. Is it still that badly backed up that not a single piece of mail has gotten thru for the whole building. 12 suites in the building, all occupied. I’ve spoken with 6 other units just to see if maybe it was just my mail or something but sure enough they all verified they have also not received anything and haven’t seen a Canada post worker enter the building at all the entire time since the strike (it’s very obvious when mail is delivered bc the joint mail boxes are always slightly pushed out when they deliver mail

So is the backlog really so bad that whole buildings are just not getting mail or? Is there someone I should call? I really don’t wanna be that guy but like my kid can’t get a job bc his bank account isn’t active until his bank card shows up, he also can’t go for his drivers test bc his new learners license (lost the old one) hasn’t come. I really do wanna be understanding but it seems a bit extreame at this point