How would you rate the part 1 talents?
Suzie - I'm simply obsessed with her lol I think she's got a Jinkx-like quirk to her that differentiates her from most DR theatre queens. Her number was hilarious and tapping is really hard!
Jewels - Really cute number, showed off her charm and humor. And she's definitely got moves. Destined to be a signature callback for her going forward.
Lucky - Her mind! I'm very intrigued to see what she does going forward cause this was a lot of fun. Food related talents aren't dead but I think this'll be that last one that really hits for a while.
Acacia - I thought the queens were harsh rating her at the bottom, I liked this number. Not groundbreaking but cute. And she did it live without any major issues. If Trixie was safe doing almost this exact same thing on AS3, Acacia should have been too.
Joella - The song was cute, the number as a whole was underwhelming. She has good comedic instincts though which managed to keep me mostly entertained.
Arietty - I always appreciate a cultural performance and she moved beautifully but there wasn't much else to it. It needed a moment and it didn't have one.
Lydia - This was a mess for me. It was a fun idea but the execution seemed sloppy and not well-rehearsed.