Can we be honest here? How many people have legitimately given rs3 a fair shot after the EoC update?
I'm not talking about the botched release, I mean once things got fleshed out and polished, who has actually given rs3 a real honest shot? I ask because it seems the most popular reason is between the combat and the mtx, as a trimmed comp max xp rs3 player I can confidently say unless you're spending hundreds of dollars regularly, it really doesn't make any difference lol. And I'd also argue that the combat in rs3 is just as "click and wait" as osrs with the OPTION to have it for involved. I've done many end game bosses with the "click and wait" style of combat, so it's not literally needed like some people make it out to be. I'm just curious if people have actually given this game a shot because it's really sad to see a game I've spent 21 years of my life (2.5 years of in game time sat in front of my computer) to just see it wither and die for essentially no real reason other than some superficial shit that's been Parrotted over and over year after year anyways rant over whoa given rs3 a real fair shot?