A suggestion aimed to help dealing with griefers, small annoyances and what not (entity hider)
With every update a lot of people tend to show up, some of those people are bound to be annoying be it intentionally or not
What I'm suggesting is a setting that can be turned on and off (off by default), it would work on pets, summons, other players(be it if they were resting, skilling etc) and anything else accompanied when a player does something, summons or conjures, magic prism spells, challenge crystal (placed by others if it matters) and etc
This wouldn't include the chat as it can be turned off
Positives: helps lower end PCs and mobile devices, lessens the number of complains regarding visual trolls and griefers as now it can be dealt with (for the most part), it can help massively in rituals, wildy events, and so on
Negatives: lessens player interactions with each other by a bit (although it is practically none existent, besides the setting can be turned off), can't really see any other negatives.
This setting could be automatically turned off in pvp places like the wildy (not if pvp was disabled in the wilderness) , minigames, duo, trio, quad+ combat instances (be it public or private), I know this is broad but what I meant is boss instances and turned on back again if they left those places.