My Friends Drive Me Crazy Sometimes
This is going to be a long horror story. Hopefully the doggo and all the viewers enjoy my pain.
I have to type this out right now or I'm gonna go to bed angry. This is at the end of this 8 hour long session.
Starting a new homebrew campaign with me as the DM. We all decided we wanted a 5 man party and we had 4 already so I invited an old friend of ours who moved away a while ago. We found out we could play online using the Quest Portal VTT so it seemed simple enough. He seemed excited and said yes he'd love to play as a paladin. The group consisted of a Fighter, Cleric, Wizard, Paladin and a Monk. A decent party mix.
The campaign starts off going well. Over the next few weeks, the party groups up and starts questing together, slaying goblins and kobolds, traveling along the map northward on the trail of some mystery villain. Usual stuff. It was mostly all side questing stuff with little hints about what was going on being sprinkled throughout. I was trying to build up in the early levels so we could get into the meat of the main storyline around level 5. Of note, our sessions were happening semi regularly but we were scheduling specifically to conform to paladins free time.
Then one day it all started going to hell. They completed a quest slaying a difficult monster and are rewarded with a very powerful suit of armor. They decided to give it to the paladin since he was acting as the tank. One of the items they looted from the lair, happened to be a mysterious and dark looking book that secretly had a powerful curse on it. The wizard chose to read the book and ended up failing his rolls, becoming cursed. In this homebrew, curses are difficult to remove, requiring a special item or expensive components. Nobody in the party had the ability or money to remove the curse (And they didn't really want to even if they did.) The player was upset by the debilitating effects. He chose to make a new character and have his current one retired as an NPC in camp until the group could find a way to cure him which I said was allowed so he could play.
I said the party wasn't very eager to help the wizard. Well, that was because up until this point, the Wizard had been an edgy, borderline murder hobo character which the party wasn't really vibing with. For his new character, he created a fighter with an incredibly low intelligence score. For now, I'll refer to him as dumb fighter. The party reaches a town, he joins them and they start doing some various quests investigating a cult and odd occurrences around town. The party really enjoys his new character. He's dumb but in a lovable goof way. A fun character with lots of good, humorous RP moments. Much better party dynamics. Unfortunately, anytime he as a player figures out something, he has trouble justifying how his idiot character could figure it out.
The party heads to a dungeon to take on a cult and end up getting into a fight at the entrance of the dungeon. The monk makes the mistake of going off too far from the group by himself and dies. The session ended after the combat with the party standing at the dungeon entrance and Monk needing to make a new character. Paladin says "Well I have finals coming up so I won't be able to play for 2 weeks." so we all agree to wait and play again when he's back. At the same time, Dumb Fighter decides "I'm not really feeling this character. I'm one of the smartest players in the group but my character is an idiot so it's hard to RP him. I can't do much with him and I don't feel I have anything to build up to with him. Besides, Monk is already making a new character and we need more magic anyways. Can I make a new character with him?"
Kind of a pain in my ass. At this point, dumb fighter had only existed for 2 sessions but I wanted my players to have fun so I decided to go with it and we made him and monk new characters at the same time. Now Wizard is no longer dumb fighter, he is now Warlock. Monk makes a Barbarian. Over the next couple weeks I play private sessions with them to catch them up to the party and gear them a little so I can introduce them at the beginning of the dungeon as prisoners of the cult. Everything ended up falling into place and I was feeling confident I could make it all work seamlessly with the current storylines.
Paladin says "Oh I can't play this weekend either." Ok sure. No problem. A little more time for Warlock and Barbarian to level up together. No biggie. Cleric and Fighter are sad about missing another week of that sweet sweet D&D juice but they grin and bare it.
Weekend rolls around. "Hey Paladin, you able to play this week?" I asked him. "Did they finish the dungeon yet?" He responded. I was confused. "Well no... You're the tank. We've been waiting on you to come back remember?" And then he gut punches me. "Oh. I thought they'd end up going in without me. I don't really like combat much. This campaign really just isn't for me. I was kind of just hoping they'd finish the dungeon without me so I could skip it and then come back for one more session to retire. I'm going to bow out from the campaign but I wish you guys luck." I was even more confused. We had only had a handful of sessions and everyone said they were perfectly fine with about 50/50 RP and exploration vs combat which I think I had done a good job of balancing. He tells me to relay to everyone he retires to a nearby temple to be a guardian for it or something and to go forth with his prayers.
When I talk with the rest of the group, Fighter says he found out he didn't even have finals. Fighter confirmed he wasn't even in college anymore. He was just lying to us the whole time. I double checked this by texting with Paladin and he pretty much confirmed that he was indeed lying to us and wasting our time. The group is pretty mad and so am I. Especially when they realized he had taken that super powerful armor from the group and then immediately dipped out with it without ever even using it.
We are all thoroughly annoyed, having been lied to and forced to miss a bunch of sessions because of those lies but at least we can finally play without paladins schedule bs. We agreed to just put all the players at the dungeon entrance and do introductions later. The party enters the dungeon and starts clearing it out and it's going very well for them. There's some fun banter going on, everyone is working well together and there is once again a fun dynamic and no issues with Warlock. I think wow, we're back on track. Excellent. This is great.
They come upon a wounded warrior deep in the dungeon surrounded by dead cultists. He is a knight of the kingdom that they realize they had met previously at the start of the campaign. Most of the players seemed to really enjoy him as a friendly NPC and quest giver. He's been badly wounded though and on the verge of dying. They go through his backpack and find a few useful magic scrolls, as well as a special coin that can be consumed to remove curses and fully restore the body.
The party decides to heal the knight using their own spells but once he wakes up he tells them he's prevented from using his magic due to a powerful curse on him and he needs that coin to remove it. Before the group can give it to him, Warlock quickly grabs the coin while nobody is looking. The knight offers the party all of his scrolls and extra equipment in exchange for helping him. "Just let me get something and you can take the rest of my things." He digs through his backpack and realizes the coin is missing. He asks where the coin is and Warlock lies saying it was already missing.
I have him roll deception which he fails and the knights perception lets him see right through his BS. "Since your friends have come to my aid in the past and we have fought alongside one another more than once, I am willing to overlook this indiscretion if you would simply hand over my property. We need not squabble, I shall not make another such offer however."
"Eldritch Blast." The warlock says, while rolling his dice. My eyes went wide and I slapped my face with my palm. I think I heard over Discord Barbarian choking on water and someone else slamming their table and shouting "What!?".
Now as I said, some of the party know this knight. The players know this knight. They've fought alongside him several times. They have seen his whole stat sheet. He's VERY strong for their level even without his magic. He's a big part of the story so I made him very tough for lower level things to kill so he wouldn't easily die to a random fireball or something. Most of the party doesn't even use his name, they all just refer to him out of character as "Gigachad" So I cringe and I ask that fateful question. "Are you sure you wanna do that?"
"Yep. Eldritch Blast him." Boy. That escalated quickly. The party tried reasoning with Warlock but he just wouldn't budge. It was a complete 180 in personality right back to edgy murder hobo. Fighter and Cleric both sent me a private message almost saying the exact same things. "If he's actually going to be stupid and fight Gigachad I'm going to jump in on Gigachads side." The entire party were good characters, a couple of them lawful and they really liked Gigachad and had no reason to let him die.
Sir Gigachad takes the damage, walks up to Warlock and proceeds to immediately down him in a couple hits. The entire party breathes a sigh of relief. Warlock leaves the discord and the VTT.
We awkwardly finish up the session discussing things. Phrases like "WTF just happened?" and "WTF even was that?" were said more than a few times. During the conversation, warlock texts me.
"I'm fucking done. I'm quitting. I'm done with this shit. I just wanted my Wizard back." I'm sitting there like, Wait what? His whole plan was to take the coin from the friggin Gigachad of all people and go remove his Wizards curse? A curse that his Warlock would know absolutely nothing about on a character that his Warlock would have absolutely no idea exists and have absolutely no reason to want to help with?
I just responded with a facepalm emoji and just said "Ok." so I could go back to helping the rest of the group finish up the session. He replied with. "You said that coin was the only way in the whole game to remove curses." This was not true at all though. I told him that no, I had said that the knight carried one of the semi rare coins that could remove curses but if you wanted that one you'd have to go full evil and kill him for it. (Which the rest of the party had been in the call to hear as well so I know I wasn't mistaken.) I also told him that you could find them many other places as random loot drops off monsters or even purchase them in the market even if it was somewhat expensive. I have all the shops and their wares listed on Quest Portal and some stores do have those coins listed for sale.
"Well we don't have any gold and I don't want to rely on RNG to hope one drops." I was very confused by this next text he sent considering D&D is a dice game. "If I have to rely on a dice roll then it's never going to happen." And then he kept on going. "I'm done. Don't feel like playing anymore. My character didn't even die. Fucking book got him cursed. You can't fight the reading fucking rainbow. My stupid warlock couldn't even lie properly. And I could have killed that stupid knight if I was higher level. I don't know why the party healed him anyways I wanted to let him die. We should've just killed him and taken his stuff."
I said "Well sure, you might've beat him at higher level or killed him while he was laying down injured but then the party would've killed you for doing such an outright evil right in front of them."
"Whatever. He shouldn't have been able to attack me so many times anyways." (Attack, action surge, attack.) "Pretty standard stuff man. He didn't do anything that you guys don't do all the time."
"Still he shouldn't have been so close to me when I attacked him. My eldritch blast should have knocked him back farther." I pointed out that I hadn't even put the mini on the table yet when he was already attacking him. He complained that I put the knight too close to him which I replied with "Well no matter where I would've put him he would've been able to reach you and if he wasn't, he would've been in another room and out of line of sight for you to attack or even speak with."
"Don't bring facts into my angry rant. I'm trying to vent here." Then he sent me a couple memes and hopped onto some video game.
Me and the rest of the players finished the session with Gigachad helping the party clear out the rest of the dungeon up to the boss. We're 2 players light now but Fighter, Cleric and Barbarian are being optimistic. "Well at least we have Gigachad to help us now." and "Gold gains are a little less split up now at least." I'm looking forward to the shitshow continuing next weekend.
Fun times.