Please help me find this game
I posted this in onepagerpgs but didn't get any responses. I'm hoping if I post it here someone might know what I'm talking about:
So I went through a phase of checking out free micro-rpgs and came across a lot of really cool ideas.
One in particular though stands out and for whatever reason I apparently didn't save it (thought I did, but can't find the file now) and can't find it again online.
I'm hoping someone might know it and help me track it down.
What I remember:
It's a fantasy rpg that's only 1-4 pages. The unique thing about it is that classes are made up of about 6 features/skills/spells and displayed in a grid. So like:
Fighter | Rogue | Magic-User | Cleric |
- weapon proficiency | - pick locks | - fireball spell | - heal |
- double attack | - move silently | - ice blast spell | - prayer |
- +1 damage | - sleight of hand | - counter-magic | - etc. |
Seems like the borders were also blue. I know this is still pretty vague, but thought it might help.
Starting characters pick like 2 or 3 things, and each new level you can pick a new feature (basically multi-classing).
The writing/tone of the game seemed slightly tongue-in-cheek (if that helps) and the game was along the lines of World of Dungeons, Microlite20, 1974 style, Here's some f-n D&D, etc. style games.
If any of that rings a bell, I'd really appreciate you sharing. I'm happy to check out any suggestions.
Thanks everyone!