Petition to bring back Champion Capsules and Hextech Chests

I’ve created a petition to bring back earning Champion Capsules upon leveling up and the ability to earn Hextech Chests.

Recently, changes were made that made it impossible to obtain Champion Capsules and Hextech Chests. While we may receive free champions and skins through the Battle Pass, it’s important to consider that some skins will be forgotten and never see the light of day again. Additionally, it has become nearly impossible to purchase anything from the Blue Essence Emporium.

Many players, myself included, find great satisfaction in earning these rewards—not just for the free items, but because earning a Hextech Chest for playing well gives you a sense of purpose and achievement.

For new players, these free skins can also encourage them to explore champions they’ve never played before and experiment with new strategies.

So if you agree to bring back Hextech Chests and Champion Capsules feel free to sign the Petition.

It wont guarantee that they revert the Changes back, but maybe we can have a Impact as a Community as a whole!