“Every sound has been made 5 times” makes complete sense

Right I don’t know why I’m wasting my time on this because I know I’m gonna get “Can he hear us?” and “Play a record” but anyway…

Karl’s statement that every noise has been made 5 times makes complete sense - maybe not that it’s specifically 5, but the concept is logical. There’s only so many frequencies that the human ear can hear, so it’s common sense that everything we can hear that exists in that limited space is going to have “repeats” or “overlaps”. Tinging a glass might make it ring in the same note as an “A” on a piano.

Where this goes wrong is Ricky starts talking about intent, as if Karl is saying the glass was designed to make a specific noise but that’s not what Karl’s point was at all.

As usual, Karl’s examples are straight from the ramblings of a lobotomy patient, but his point is clear: different things will resonate at the same frequencies and make the same sound because the human ear can only detect so many sounds, so naturally things that make sound will make the same sounds.

Anyway, here’s Radiohead…