Teenagers harassing me at work
I (M21) am what most people consider an "emo" person, my hair is somewhat long, purple-ish and blue and i have 5 piercings facial ones included. I often get comments from costumers (i work at a candy store in a mall) on my appearance, mostly positive or neutral i must say but yesterday night was a fucking disaster. It started 10 minutes before closing when i heared someone "barking" at me, at first i had no idea who the fuck that was until that person finally showed up and confronted me, i told him that i heared him and that he should go away this instant. At this point i was already furious, but things got worse after we closed the store for costumers and prepered for the night when i've heared a bunch of teen boys "barking" from outside. At that point i screamed at them that i'll be calling security if they don't go the fuck away and my coworker actually went out to yell at them.
I told my manager that next time this happens i'll be calling the police and i genuinely don't care at this point, i'm sick of going to work and feeling threatened like i did something wrong, people are fucking Disgusting