Here's a story
So it was the height of the "pandemic"...we were working on location on a TV show. The location was a private high-school. We got in early to set up for our shoot before the kids arrived. Upon entering the school aside from masks and covid tests, the school had 3 free standing thermal thermometers. The kind that read your forehead or wrist for a general temperature reading, to make sure you don't have a fever. We all had to scan, about 8 of us. 7 of us scanned normal as you'd expect 98° range. Then my one coworker who is always grey and sickly looking walks up and gets a reading of like 61° we chuckled and double checked him on the other scanners.. same readings. But since he didn't have a fever per-se, he got to work. I found it odd that his reading came out the way it did... My project I was working on was at the entrance, so as the kids started to filter in I watched their temp readouts as they entered, and sure enough there was an additional one or two kids whose readouts were 60° range...I began to wonder what if... Could they be cold blooded or cooler blooded.... I found it super odd...and believe the meters were accurate but those people ran cold...but why???