Is this disrespectful? And if so, how would I approach this respectfully
For context I am writing a book, basically the guy got framed for murder and after that he gave up on his religion, specifically, Christianity. Saying how god failed him. Throughout this book he starts having hallucinations, and he starts talking to “Jesus”and it is represented by a talking vulture. This vulture mocks him and heavily criticizes and condemns his actions. Basically tormenting him. This represents how he thinks god failed him. Around the end of the book when he dies he has one final conversation with Jesus but instead of being represented with a vulture, it’s being represented by a dove. And this Jesus doesn’t torment him or anything like that. It’s more understanding, and basically acts how Jesus would act. This Jesus represents how he finally stopped blaming god for the actions of other and finally, in death, accepts Jesus again,
I myself am Christian, and I love to write. I don’t want to be disrespectful with this, if it is please give suggestions on how I can tweak this.