Boyfriend (31M) wants (25F) to delete social media. Am I crazy?

For starters: I really love this man. We’ve been together for 9 months. Long distance sadly but only 3 hours drive wise. We see each other on the weekends. In the beginning, the relationship was wonderful. Everything we both could have imagine and extremely obsessed with each other. FaceTiming and texting every minute of the day. Both of us were cheated on in past relationships not sure if this has anything to do with it. Anyways we’ve been broken up now for a month. He wants me to delete social media in order to win him back and “prove myself” that I’m a woman of my word? We broke up because of some stuff I’ve said during heated arguments. I apologized numerous times. I genuinely didn’t mean it and felt terrible, I’ve taken the steps to get therapy as well. Now he feels like I’m not a safe place and I’m mean/disrespectful and that I’ve ruined his life and I’m a monster. What should I do? Delete my social media? Or is this a form of abuse and turning into a toxic relationship?