Just Finished Dark Age
Good fucking god man
I think my breaking point was Epheriam and Alexander dying within like 15 pages of each other.
I have no idea where Lyria’s parasite plot line is going, but maybe it’s for the better because it’s a somewhat hopeful plot line.
I feel the lack of Darrow’s presence and POV chapters in this book is intentional. As if Pierce Brown wanted me to see everyone else’s world falling down around them and that Darrow would have some miracle idea or move that would give a glimmer of hope.
But no, if anything his situation was more dire, and ended with a small tiny sliver of hope.
I can’t start Lightbringer until Sunday, but best believe I will be binging it.
I was in tears reading Volga and Epheriams reunion. Unfortunately it didn’t last too long did it?
PS: Please tell me Lightbringer is happier. I don’t think I can stomach any more. I swear to fucking god if Sevro dies in this next book I will start my own Rising.