I've said this before, but...
In the latest Sonic Heroes, Arin brings up his "predatory bully mentality" in regards to creative writing once again. Paraphrase: "Good things make me feel hopeless, so I target bad things instead"
You are allowed to go out of your way to try and improve stuff you think is lacking, but I just hate this way of thinking. I think Arin is twisting the lesson one of his teachers taught him when it comes to writing and artistic creations. Far as I'm concerned, he willingly refuses to be inspired by actually good products. His creativity is more likely to become rigid if he blocks out resource materials and potential inspirations like that.
In short, if you've basically given up on reaching greater heights like many others, why should anyone trust you to improve something that is allegedly bad? They'd be way better off seeking help from somebody else with more drive, in that, they have drive in the first place.
Edit: Also, it took them all 30 minutes to not reach a single goal ring. Though to be fair, they did slightly worse during Team Sonic. But this time, Arin is actually teasing about not skipping ahead for the next episode, despite Dan's promise to those who care about progress.