I hate my entitled boss
I work as an assistant manager in fast food. I know, all the glory right? Well recently it snowed. And it was a cute sneezing, it was a decent bit of snow. Today I can probably get into work but due to me living on back roads, I couldn't make it in the last two days. Before the storm was my normal 2 days off. I basically got four days at home. Half were snow days where I didn't do anything, but it was really nice. At my job I feel like I can never call out. Other than this snow, I have called out exactly 2 times in the last year. When I was dealing with a domestic violence situation? No, we need you to come in despite your crying on the phone. Oh? You are waiting on someone surgery and spending the night in the hospital with them? You can still come in right? You're running a fever and throwing up? Sorry but you'll be here to close right? I can not call in. It's like I'm not allowed. And, I know that if I even when I do manage to, I'm terrified of just being taken off the schedule and basically fired. I've seen him do it for people missing 2 days of work.
There's more to it. He thinks he's the fast food Jesus. He is always saying I will never be as good as him or that he never makes mistakes. If you catch him making a mistake, it wasn't him, it was improper communication. His standards are so high for everyone and if you don't meet them? Off the schedule.
So the heart of the problem lies here. I was not hired by my boss. I was hired by my bosses boss. I am one of 3 competent people hired at the location. The other two were hired by my boss but other than those two he hired actual idiots, ones that can not grasp the ability to make pizza dough into a circle. Idiots that think sauce goes all the way to the edges of the pizza leaving no crust. We don't get new hires. They do not stick around because they're idiots and my boss is very mean to them for being idiots. It's understandable by his hiring practice that there are only 2 people who can close the store. Me and my boss. We technically have one other pe won but my boss never lets them open or close.
Meaning, that because I didn't want to risk my car getting to work, my boss worked 4 doubles in a row. Because he won't let the other person we have close or open, he worked 4 doubles and is pissed.
Long story short? I want to quit and depending on how he treats me when I come in tonight? Well I might just be indefinitely off and him working indefinite doubles. It's no surprise to me he worked 7 doubles a week before me. It seems it was by choice.