Parent thinks we are best friends ever since I started low contact
Its a weird one... ive done a lot of therapy and I am proud to say I've mostly been able to move past the suffering and am into healing and growing myself. I went low contact about a year ago as there was an event where they crossed the line and it pushed me over the edge.
It has been great for me personally to detach but oddly enough the nparent believes we are best friends. There seems to be zero awareness that I say almost nothing on the phone when they call me , I barely reply to messages, I never visit. They feel really comfortable telling people about how 'successful 'i am, how proud of me they are, and then constantly try to make plans with me . I've changed the subject or vaguely agreed to future plans and have gone 1 year without them bringing up that I have yet to agree to anything concrete.
Its actually extremely annoying, but I'll take it over the direct abuse I received as a child. They've gone through some "character rehab" to clean up their bad behavior ans improve their reputation in the last 8 years but the damage is done with respect to their relationship with me. Also, at their core the narcissistic tendencies are just below the surface and show their ugly head regularly. People think I'm a big A hole for not giving them a chance, but I can't be bothered to care what people think about something they don't understand.