It really sickens me how people don’t understand financial abuse.

My nfather used money to control me my entire life. I was never allowed to drive (still don’t have my license) because my nparents knew that I would leave. I was not allowed to get a job (under the guise of “We don’t want you to have to work these menial jobs.” “We’ll take care of you.” & “These other parents kick their children out at 18. We would never do that to you.”) because my nparents knew that money = freedom. I had a few jobs for a very short period of time, and it was quite difficult to hold both of them as my nparents (mostly my nfather) constantly complained about me having the job and complained about having to pick me up & drop me off. The result: I was held hostage.

To the outside world, they look like good parents. People ask, “Did your parents ever make you work?” I say, “To be able to work is a privilege.” This is mind-boggling to the average person who views money as everything. Well, I would rather be free. It’s like people are unaware of the fact that in countries with the most gender inequality, women are not allowed to work or drive.

Now, we have these trends of women who don’t want to work talking about how feminism ruined their lives, completely unaware of the fact that they are privileged. I’m well aware of the fact that the economy is fucked. I’m well aware of the fact that capitalism is essentially slavery, while holding the dichotomous (in reality, noncontradictory — as both misogyny & capitalism are systems of hierarchy that allow those in power, narcissists, in particular, to abuse the oppressed) position that working is a privilege as money is power.