Did anyone else sense that your parent is jealous of you?
I'm reading this book for kids of narcissists and there was a chapter dedicated to jealosy. I remember as a child feeling the need to hide my achievments or not use makeup to not make my mom jealous. She never outright said it but I could sense it in her. The book mentioned that narcs see kids as extensions of themselves. While they are expected to succeed, not too much to not take the attention away from the narc. Even a compliment from a relative can hurt a narc because the narc isn't getting the attention they want. Now that I'm older and talking about university to my high school dropout mom, I sense jealosy again. Apperantly this is common in uneducated narcs, and if I really go to uni and graduate, she is going to tell relatives that she could also have done it but just didn't have the time or that the kids were such a nightmare she couldn't.