GC sister is an inconsiderate slob and it’s driving me nuts

My GC sister (who has become a narc.) is home for the holidays and while she’s only been here a few days, I already can’t wait for her to leave. We have a bunch of issues (thanks mostly to my Nparents creating a rift between us thru their upholding of the typical Narc. family power structure, where I’m the scapegoat).

But those separate issues will have to go into another post sometime, when I have the mental energy to process all of the frustration I feel w/ GC sis rn.

For now, I just wanna vent so much about how dirty and messy my GC sis. is. We’re now sharing a bathroom while she’s here, and she’s such a slob. There’s no consideration whatsoever for the fact that it’s a shared space. She just does as she pleases, bc she’s used to someone picking up after her etc. I’ve called her out on her being a slob before and it’s just met w/ me being vilified by N.Parents for “kicking up a fuss” (simply for holding GC sister accountable and trying to get her to feel some sense of responsibility and consideration for others).

At this point I’m just biting my tongue, not bc I’m afraid (every ounce of boundaries I’ve put in place w/ these narcs. has unfortunately had to come thru arguing w/ them repeatedly, bc that’s the only way they may listen). It’s bc I’m trying to maintain some false sense of peace rn bc their bs is mentally and emotionally exhausting. So I’m holding back for now to delay the likely inevitable next argument about this. But I just feel like I’m gonna burst the next time I go to the bathroom and (sorry this is a little TMI) have to see her hair all gathered on the hair stopper (yes, there’s even a hair stopper that gathers hair that falls out, making it even easier to pick it up, and she STILL doesn’t have the common courtesy to just throw it out, which infuriates me even more).

TL;DR: GC sister (narc.) is such a slob and it’s driving me nuts seeing her constant lack of consideration in a shared space. Just needed to vent.