Are there people who actually enjoy holidays with family? Is this a reality for anyone?

I feel like everyone I know had to pretend to enjoy spending time with family of origin during the holidays. I genuinely want to know if there are people who actually look forward to seeing family of origin during holidays or celebrations. Does anyone know anyone this is true for? I simply can't imagine it except as a fantasy portrayed by Hollywood, hallmark and religion. I realize I am feeling my grief at never having experienced this myself, but I also look at my friendships and no one I know is genuinely enjoying extended family. Maybe I'm only friends with people who survived narcissistic families. Maybe I just want to know if there's reason to hope!

*Edit: Thank you so much to the people who responded! I didn't expect it and I am enjoying reading all the different experiences. I had a moment of heartache and pain, and it was responded to with kindness and honesty. Thank you!