Seeking advice and assistance
Y'all, I have fucked around, and now I'm finding out. I've gotten myself strung out pretty band on 7-ohs, and I've got to stop ... but I'm absolutely terrified of the withdrawal process. I've been through it before, years and years ago as an IV heroin user, and while I was clean and sober for a long period of time, arthritis and major dental work clouded my judgement, and I made the mistake of thinking kratom would be better than opiates. Got into eating crazy amounts of capsules (like, 20-25 600mg capsules just to get out of bed), then took a vendor suggestion that the 7-ohs would be better. I'm sitting here this morning having taken four 14mg tablets in two hours, and I feel those warm fuzzies that I remember so well from all those years ago ... and on the heels of that, the sheer tsunami of terror at what will happen if I can't stop.
I'm terrified, and beating myself up pretty badly, and I have no one I can really confide in or talk to. I suppose I'm just looking for a "pen pal" or a buddy to help talk me through this shit, act as a coach or a mentor or what have you, and help me get my head out of my ass. I feel like a complete idiot-loser, but that was always my problem: The fear of appearing weak and scared, so rather than ask for help pulling myself out of the hole, I kept slipping further and further down into the abyss.
I gotta get out. If any of you have it in you to help a guy out, I'd be most appreciative. Thank you, and at the very least, thank you for indulging my insipid ramblings.